Tuesday, August 7, 2007


my brain is goin down e drain...
I'm not ready facing reality,,

I'm a Robot in certain ways,,am not quite happy bout wot i'm doin...
So many times I have parted in silence without uttering a single word.
The aftermath is consequently awful. I left behind questioning the dreadful;
"Why didn't I say this, why didn't I say that?"--crap!!!
I'm stuttered..
nobody knows me but AT ALL...gimme a break!!!
gimme time to be more concern of myself...
The more I dwell upon this,
the more I'm convinced that limiting myself carry
no glory nor a point in itself.---shcizophrenia
lemme out from this fearness..fearness of facing the fear that's already 'on hand'...
no HOPES nor EXPECTATION...tired of disappointment!!!
lemme keep expecting the unexpected,,gimme MORE SURPRISE!!!!
am not happy---no bluffs
the destination all covered with mystery...
am all mezmerized by dream which such a fascinate power to putting me more in anxiety and spirit depleted---thats how it goes...
am sick of it!!!

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